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Component destruction

  • βœ”οΈ
    Understand Component destruction
    Learn what happens when you navigate away from a component in an Angular application.

At the time you submit the form, the TaskFormComponent task property is populated with the values you entered in the form. For example, given you filled the name and description fields, the task will look like:

task = {
title: 'My new task',
description: 'Awesome description'

Thanks to the last chapter, by submitting the form, you navigate away from the TaskFormComponent component. When you navigate away from a component, the component is destroyed.

So by navigate once again to this form, the task property will be empty:

task = {
title: '',
description: ''

A new instance of the TaskFormComponent component is created each time you navigate to it. So any local state you set in the component is lost when you navigate away from it.

βœ”οΈ What you learned

In this chapter, you learned how to handle component destruction in an Angular application.