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Learning process

The course structure

The course is divided into several chapters, each one focusing on a specific feature of the application. The course is feature driven rather than technology driven.

Angular features will be introduced as needed and as limited as possible to the feature at hand.



Each chapter is divided into several steps. Each step is a small task to complete. Each step is introduced with a learning objective and a description of the task to complete.

Learning objectives


Each chapter contains a terminal section to help you run the application and test the changes you make.

Depending on your IDE, there are different ways to open a terminal.

Visual Studio Code

In Visual Studio Code, you can open a terminal by clicking on the Terminal menu and selecting New Terminal.

Code snippets

Each chapter contains code snippets to add to the application. The course content uses specific styling to highlight the changes to make in the code.


Each chapter contains a quiz to test your understanding of the content.

Learn more

Each chapter contains a β€œLearn more” section to help you dive deeper into the topic. You do not need to read the β€œLearn more” section to complete the course, but it can help you understand the topic better.